Subscriber management

Managing your own subscribers is no longer a headache. Adding and removing subscribers takes seconds and we handle all the nasty stuff like bounces and unsubscribe requests for them automatically.

List management made easy

We've designed the interface to help you get the most common things done fast. Adding a new subscriber, removing an old one and seeing new subscribers are only a click away.

Email newsletter list management made easy

Simple import and export

Our importing tool walks you through the process of importing an existing list from almost any source. We automatically remove duplicates for you and even remember who unsubscribed and bounced - removing any risk of annoying your own subscribers.

Import and export recipients of your email newsletter

Subscribe and unsubscribe forms

A great way of capturing new subscribers is through a subscribe form. With EmailerPro this is as easy as copying and pasting some code into your web site. You can even customise any landing pages so the entire subscribe process stays on your own web site.

Allow people to subscribe and unsubscribe through your web site

Powerful list management Features

Signup Forms

Use a simple form builder to create signup forms you can easily add to your site.

Custom Fields

Store anything you like on subscribers and easily insert them into email content.


Send targeted campaigns to groups of subscribers based on your own criteria.

Export to Excel

Select the fields and export any list in your account straight to Excel.

Customise Everything

Change the look and feel of the signup and unsubscribe process.

Suppression lists

Never send to anyone who has unsubscribed, bounced or marked you as spam.

Confirmed Opt-in

Require subscribers to confirm their email address when signing up to your list if required.

Manage with our API

Access to full subscriber management from your own apps using our API.

RSS feed for list activity

Track new subscriber activity for any of your lists without needing to login.


Let your recipients manage their own subscription preferences.

Client Management

Manage your own subscriber lists.

Flexible importing

No matter the format your lists are in, we make it easy to import into your account.